Guidelines for presenters

1. Guidelines for oral presentations


All contributed oral presentations must be presented in English – the official language of this conference. This applies as well to slides and legends of figures, charts or images.

Length of presentation

A total of 15 minutes (12 minutes for the presentation itself and 3 minutes for Q & A and switch between speakers) has been allocated for each talk (unless you receive different instructions from your Session Chair).

To ensure the sessions run smoothly, please respect the time allocated to your presentation. The Session Chair will strictly manage the time.

The Neobiota Logo for use on your presentation can be downloaded at

System requirements

Presentation software

Oral presentations must use the format of the PC version of the slide show presentation programme Microsoft PowerPoint. To avoid software compatibility problems, speakers are advised to save their presentation as a PowerPoint Show (.pps; .ppsx), a presentation that always opens in Slide Show view rather than in Normal view.

Please save your presentation also in PDF format.

If you use a Mac/Apple system:

  • All portions of your Mac PowerPoint presentation must be saved in PC format so that the onsite PC computers will be able to open your files.
  • Photos have to be saved to PC format using Photoshop or a similar software.
  • It will not be possible to connect your own Mac/Apple computer.

Name of the PowerPoint file on the USB storage device

Please name your PowerPoint file according to the following model:

  • PresenterLastName_FirstName_Submission-ID_First_Three_WordsOfTitle.ppsx
  • Example: Ries_Christian_001_Neobiota_2016_Opening.ppsx

Please do not use any dashes, periods, slashes or spaces …

Minimal Font size

Use a big enough font! When deciding what font size to use in your presentation, make sure it is big enough so that the audience can read it. Any font size less than 24 points is too small to be reasonably read in most presentation situations. We recommend most text at a 28 or 32 point size, with titles being 36 to 44 point size. Explanatory text to a graph or diagram can be smaller and could use a 20 point font size.


Photos must be formatted for PC and imbedded in your PowerPoint file. Test your presentation on a PC computer to ensure that all your photos display correctly.


Save your movie in mp4 format and link it in your PowerPoint file.

Test your presentation on a PC computer to ensure that your movie displays correctly.

Please name your movie file after your PowerPoint file:

  • PresenterLastName_FirstName_Submission-ID_First_Three_WordsOfTitle.mp4
  • Example: Ries_Christian_001_Neobiota_2016_Opening.mp4

Storage unit

Save your PowerPoint presentation on a blank USB storage device. After that, open the file saved on the storage device to make sure it has been saved correctly. We also recommend that you bring a backup copy of your presentation on a separate device.

Delivery of the USB storage unit with your presentation

Please turn in the USB storage unit with your presentation to the registration desk as soon as possible, but latest 45 Minutes before the start of the concerned session. An upload of a PowerPoint file right before it’s presentation will not be possible.

PowerPoint presentations may also be sent in advance (= before the conference = until Wednesday 7 September 2016) by (not by email) to the conference secretariat at .

Presence in the conference room

Presenters should arrive in the conference room 15 minutes before the start of their session to report to the Session Chair.

2. Guidelines for poster presentations


All posters must be presented in English – the official language of this conference. This applies as well to legends of figures, charts or images.

Neobiota Logo

The Neobiota Logo for use on your presentation can be downloaded at

Poster format and size

A poster presentation consists of one single poster sheet. Portrait/vertical format is required.

The poster size should not exceed A0 (recommended) and not be less than A1.

A0 = 84.1 x 118.9 cm = 33.1 in × 46.8 in

A1 = 59.4 x   84.1 cm = 23.4 in x 33.1 in

Practical information for poster delivery and mounting

Please bring your poster to the conference yourself – do not send it.

All posters must be handed over to staff during initial registration at the registration desk. The staff will mark each poster with the number attributed to it in the abstract booklet and hang it up at its predefined spot.

We recommend to add QR codes to your posters linking to a PDF takeaway that you publish online and that participants can instantly download with their smart phones or tablets. There will be no possibility to attach business cards or take aways.

Poster hanging rails will be provided, the usage of pins or sellotape is not allowed.

Removing posters

All posters will be removed on Friday 16 September 2016 between 13:30 and 14:00.

The Conference Secretariat takes no responsibility for left or damaged posters. Left behind posters will not be sent back to authors.