This list presents the accepted submissions in alphabetic order of Topic, Presentation type and Presenter’s name.
- 1 Biogeography and macroecology of invasions
- 2 Biological invasions and climate change
- 3 Biosecurity and risk assessment, including early detection and rapid response
- 4 Ecological impacts of biological invasions
- 5 Engaging the public with the topic on invasive species
- 6 Eradication, management & control of invasive species
- 7 Genetics and evolution of invasive species
- 8 Invader traits and characteristics of invaded communities
- 9 Invasive species and changes in landuse
- 10 Non-native pests and pathogens
- 11 Restoration of invaded ecosystems
- 12 Socioeconomic impacts of biological invasions
Biogeography and macroecology of invasions
Oral presentations
- Essl, Franz. The drivers of the level of plant invasions world-wide
- Gallardo, Belinda. Macroecological patterns of Europe’s 100 of the worst invasive species under current and future conditions.
- Lembrechts, Jonas J. Plant invasions in mountains: improving invasive species distribution models’ performances by accounting for the road network
- Maurel, Noëlie. Scaling up from local climate matching in gardens to continental naturalization success: the case of ornamental woody plants in Europe
- Pipek, Pavel. Newspaper Stars in Feathers – reconstruction of passerine invasion history in New Zealand
- Seebens, Hanno. Patterns and predictions of the global spread of alien species: The intermediate distance hypothesis
- Sheppard, Christine Sabine. Long-term dynamics of plant invasions: the role of residence time in determining invader performance
- Anastácio, Pedro Manuel. The inland introduced aquatic fauna in Portugal
- Cantú Salazar, Lisette. Modelling habitat suitability to predict the invasive potential of the raccoon in Luxembourg
- Gallardo, Belinda. Niche shifts are common in globally invasive insects
- Grigorescu, Ines. A GIS-based statistical analysis for the assessment of Amorpha fruticosa (Mill.) potential distribution in Comana Natural Park (Romania)
- Grigorescu, Ines. Linkages between ecological features and Amorpha fruticosa (Mill.) occurrence in selected protected areas from Romania and Slovakia
- Haider, Sylvia. Alien plants change a- and ß-diversity patterns along elevation gradients: a global analysis
- Jelaska, Sven D. Do invasive plants in Croatia share same environmental envelopes?
- Kalusová, Veronika. European anthropogenic, semi-natural and natural habitats as sources of naturalized plant species worldwide
- Lenzner, Bernd. What is the role of vacant niches for alien species establishment on isolated islands?
- Lira-Noriega, Andrés. A dynamic modeling approach for estimating the potential distribution of the invasive Asian Ambrosia beetle Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff in North America
- Lososová, Zdenka. Urban plant communities: testing the mesic hypothesis of invasibility
- Lososová, Zdenka. Effect of alien species on the phylogenetic structure of plant species pools
- Orlova-Bienkowskaja, Marina J. Alien ladybirds (Coccinellidae) established in European Russia and neighboring countries
- Osorio-Olvera, Luis. On population abundance and species niche relationship during invasion process
- Pyšek, Petr. Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF), a new and powerful resource for understanding plant invasions worldwide
- Uludag, Ahmet. Towards a checklist of the alien plants in Turkey
Biological invasions and climate change
Oral presentations
- Farooq, Shahid. Successful Adaptations to Adverse Environmental Conditions: More Areas under the Risk of Ragweed Invasion?
- Hill, Matt. Insect invasions under climate change: an agroecological perspective
- Kalwij, Jesse M. Population dynamics of alien plants in a montane ecosystem
- Müller, Caroline. Impacts of drought and plant origin on growth and tolerance of the invasive perennial Tanacetum vulgare
- Pauchard, Aníbal. Using elevational gradients to understand plant invasions in cold environments: a field experiment in Sweden and Chile.
- Zemanova, Miriam A. Slug invasion and climate change: phylogenetics, interception records and climatic niche help elucidate global spread of Arion species
- Farooq, Shahid. Will Climate Change Impact Distribution of Common Ragweed in Turkey?
- Gudžinskas, Zigmantas. Diversity of the genus Symphyotrichum and trends of contemporary spread of its species in Lithuania
- Kazannyk, Vitalii. Invasions of Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus in Polissya and Forest-steppe zone of Left-bank Ukraine
- Keller, Joseph A. Climate warming accelerates the life cycle of an invasive plant
- Klonner, Günther. Will climate change increase range overlap between potential invaders and their native congeners in Europe?
- Kriston, Éva. Response of Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), a parasitoid of the invasive pest, Dryocosmus kuriphilus to olfactory and visual cues
- Skalova, Hana. Factors driving performance and distribution of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the Czech Republic
Biosecurity and risk assessment, including early detection and rapid response
Oral presentations
- Adriaens, Tim. Beyond protocols: improving the reliability of expert-based risk analysis underpinning invasive species policies
- Adrian-Kalchhauser, Irene. Detection of invasive gobies by probing freshwater samples for DNA traces
- Faulkner, Katelyn Terri. Prioritising surveillance for alien organisms transported as stowaways on ships
- Shea, Katriona. Parsing Propagule Pressure: The effects of multiple aspects of propagule pressure on the success of an invasive species
- Vila, Montserrat. Consistency of impact risk assessments across assessors
- Anastácio, Pedro. The use of online sources to assess spatial distribution of the non-native European catfish Silurus glanis
- Berchová-Bímová, Kateřina. Application of species distribution models for selected Special Protected Areas threatened by invasive species
- Born-Schmidt, Georgia. Developing the official Invasive Alien Species List for Mexico
- Castro, Karen. Recent Plant Invasions in Canada
- Chapman, Daniel. Species distribution modelling and risk maps for priority invasive alien plants in the EU
- Copp, Gordon H. Non-native and diadromous fish distributions in running waters using environmental DNA
- Fayvush, Georgi. Assessing the risk of potentially invasive woody plant species in Armenia
- Hinlo, Rheyda. Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection of invasive fish: Performance of eDNA surveillance against traditional monitoring methods in the detection of the Oriental weatherloach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in Australia
- Junaedi, Decky. The contribution of traits to detectability of exotic plant species in tropical forest originated from botanic gardens: Line transect distance sampling and Bayesian hierarchical modelling
- Ng, Wai-Tim. Mapping current Prosopis spp. spread with Landsat 8 imagery in Hargeisa, Somaliland
- Onen, Huseyin. Monitoring and Information System for Invasive Species: A Step towards Early Detection and Rapid Response in Turkey
- Pergl, Jan. Black, Grey and Watch Lists of alien species in the Czech Republic
- Saul, Wolf-Christian. Invasiveness, impact, and ecosystem engineering: connecting different approaches for estimating invader performance
- Tanner, Robert. An updated EPPO prioritization process to select high priority plant species for risk assessment following the criteria of the Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014
- Triska, Maggie D. Improving the surveillance for biosecurity threats through network analysis
- Vyvey, Lindsay. New Detections of Non-Native Plant Pathogens: Risk Assessment and Uncertainty
Ecological impacts of biological invasions
Oral presentations
- Kenis, Marc. Harmonia axyridis in Europe: have we been too alarmist?
- Kumschick, Sabrina. Alien species classification and missing data: impact matters
- Lazzaro, Lorenzo. Multiple impacts caused by the invasive tree Robinia pseudoacacia: insights from soil chemical features to microarthropods, nematodes, microbial and plant communities.
- Orians, Colin Mark. Interacting invasive herbivores on hemlock: Effects on chemistry, growth and phenology
- Petrosyan, Varos G. The Eurasian (Castor fiber L.) and Canadian (Castor canadensis Kuhl ) beavers in the European part of Russia: long-term population dynamics and interrelationships between the species
- Balogh, Csilla. Effects of quagga and zebra mussel on phytoplankton communities in Lake Balaton
- Bartáková, Veronika. The role of zebra mussels on bitterling oviposition
- Catford, Jane A. Humans help non-native plants break rules of species coexistence
- celine, Bellard. Global patterns in extinction and threats to vertebrates by biological invasions in islands
- Douda, Karel. Competition for host resources between invasive (Anodonta woodiana) and native freshwater mussels
- Evarts-Bunders, Peteris. Prioritisation of alien plant species list for invasive plant monitoring in Latvia
- Florianová, Anna. Impatiens parviflora affects native vegetation in oak-hornbeam forests
- Haubrock, Phillip Joschka. How the burrowing activity of the North American crayfish Procambarus clarkii alters the seepage process in river levees
- Kakareko, Tomasz. Effect of an alien fish, the racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus), on the occurrence of the European bullhead (Cottus gobio)
- Katsanevakis, Stelios. CIMPAL: Mapping the cumulative impact of alien species on marine ecosystems
- Khvir, Viktor. The competition between invasive and native plants for pollinators
- Kupcinskiene, Eugenija. Genetic diversity of Impatiens parviflora DC. populations in relation to abiotic and biotic environment
- Lazzaro, Lorenzo. Acacia dealbata impacts in Mediterranean areas worldwide: phylogenetic loss in novel plant communities’ assemblages.
- Nunes, Ana Luisa. Freshwater crayfish invasions in South Africa
- Palmas, Pauline. Feral cat (Felis silvestris catus) predation at a biodiversity hotspot scale: the case of the New Caledonian Archipelago
- Rachalewski, Michal. Friend or enemy? Chemical recognition and reciprocal responses among native and alien amphipods
- Russo, Laura. Species invasions as perturbations to mutualistic interactions: complementary theory and empirical work
- Serebryakov, Valentyn. Potentially invasive birds in Ukraine
- Skabeikis, Arturas. Diet composition and trophic interactions between round goby and native benthophagous fish in the coastal waters of SE Baltic Sea
- Stiers, Iris. The influence of invasive plant species cover on different biological communities in temperate ponds
- Taylor, NIgel G. Size matters: predation of fish eggs and larvae by native and invasive amphipods
- Tokarska-Guzik, Barbara. Impact assessment of alien plant species in forest ecosystems of Poland – methodological and practical remarks
- Vinogradova, Yulia. The content and constituents of the essential oil in alien and native species of Solidago L.
- Vladimirov, Vladimir. Impact of the alien species Opuntia humifusa (Cactaceae) on the native plant diversity in Bulgaria
- Žalneravicius, Egidijus. Studies on populations of invasive plant species in Lithuania
Engaging the public with the topic on invasive species
Oral presentations
- Bargeron, Charles Thomas. Smartphones: changing the way invasive species are reported
- Junge, Xenia. Public and expert perception of invasive neobiota and development of neobiota communication tools
- Novoa, Ana. Engaging stakeholders on the management of invasive species: a step by step framework
- Bayón, Álvaro. Alien vertebrate pets and ornamental outdoor and aquarium plants with commercial value in the Spanish peninsular territory as potential invasive species.
- Born-Schmidt, Georgia. Engaging general public in invasive alien species observation: Citizen Science in Mexico
- Christian, Svenja. Introduced species of spiders and harvestmen in Luxembourg
- Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina. Utilising gardeners’ knowledge to prevent plant invasions from ornamental horticulture
- Enders, Martin. A network of invasion hypotheses: well-known hypotheses are not well connected
- Ozaslan, Cumali. Current Status of Two Invasive Physalis Species in Turkey
- Reinhold, Wilfred. Invasive Species Week – for the first time in the Netherlands
- Uludag, Ahmet. Cntributions to the invasive species issues by the ESENIAS Tools Project
Eradication, management & control of invasive species
Oral presentations
- Flevaris, Spyridon. EU Regulation on invasion alien species
- González-Moreno, Pablo. Making the psyllid work: the biological control of Japanese knotweed in England and Wales as a study system to understand and manage biological invasions
- Lioy, Simone. Spread of Vespa velutina in Italy: natural diffusion, human-mediated dispersion and monitoring intensity to improve the management activities
- Lommen, Suzanne T.E. Environmental drivers of European-wide variation in Ambrosia pollen and seed production, and implications for management of this invasive, allergenic species
- Müller-Schärer, Heinz. Cross-fertilizing weed science and invasion science: Ambrosia artemisiifolia as an ideal bridge species
- Palmas, Pauline. How to deal with cat management on a large and inhabited Archipelago?
- Saegesser, Janine. Long-term control of Impatiens glandulifera in a Swiss Forest: does zero-tolerance pay off?
- Adriaens, Tim. A comparison of eradication techniques for invasive Berberis aquifolium in coastal dunes (Belgium)
- Celesti-Grapow, Laura. Eradication and control of invasive species for the conservation of biodiversity in Mediterranean islands. The EU project LIFE PonDerat in the Pontine Archipelago, Italy
- Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina. Horizon scanning for future issues affecting invasive species management: Results from the first phase of the Alien Futures project.
- Douce, G Keith. EDDMapS Framework for Education, Management, Aggregation and Visualization of Invasive Species Occurrences across North America
- Giesler, Rebecca J. The impact of short term exposure to freshwater on marine fouling non-native species in three Scottish marinas
- Gregori, Sascha. The Japanese Knotweed Project 2008-2016: Long-term management of Reynoutria japonica and R. sachalinensis in Switzerland
- Johovic, Iva. Monitoring and control activities of the invasive North American crayfish Procambarus clarkii in wetland areas of northern Tuscany, Italy (LIFE + SOS TUSCAN WETLANDS)
- Karrer, Gerhard. What is the most efficient efficacy measure of non-chemical control of common ragweed?
- Kashefi, Javid. Biological control of silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium), an effort to protect Mediterranean agriculture and sensitive ecosystem
- Kirichenko, Natalia. Factors affecting the recruitment of alien woody plants by native herbivorous insects
- Krippel, Yves. Management of Heracleum mantegazzianum Somm. et Lev. (Apiaceae, Spermatophyta) in the Upper-Sûre region in Luxembourg
- Lazzaro, Lorenzo. Evaluating an effective treatment to control/eradicate the invasive weed Oxalis pes-caprae: indications from a field experiment in a Mediterranean island.
- Linder, Madli. The results of long-term eradication efforts of alien hogweeds in Estonia, Europe
- Melika, George. How to control an invasive forest pest? Biological control of invasive Dryocosmus kuriphilus with introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary
- Meyerson, Laura. Advanced biotechnology for invasive species management
- Müllerová, Jana. Success of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) – the true story
- N’Guyen, Anouk. Population control of non-native round gobies – modelling different removal strategies
- Plein, Michaela. Optimal planning for eradicating multiple invasives from an oceanic island.
- Reinhold, Wilfred. Management of invasive exotic mosquitoes in the Netherlands
- Richarz, Frank. Just invasive? Not established? A muskrat population in a submontanous river system
- Sun, Yan. Climatic suitability ranking of biological control candidates: a biogeographic approach for ragweed management in Europe
- Tricarico, Elena. Tackling aquatic invasions in Europe: the Aquainvad-ED project
- Tsiamis, Konstantinos. How many alien plants in the European terrestrial environments?
- Vonlanthen, Corinne Maria. How do non-governmental organizations help to minimize the negative impact of invasive alien species?
Genetics and evolution of invasive species
Oral presentations
- Drygala, Frank. Using genetic tools to inference expansion pattern of the raccoon dog
- Javal, Marion. Exploring the invasion history of an exotic pest based on genetic markers: the case of the Asian Longhorned Beetle.
- Osten-Sacken, Natalia. Using population genetics to understand the evolutionary potential of an introduced parasitic nematode, the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis)
- Porté, Annabel J. A multidisciplinary insight in Robinia pseudoacacia diversity analysis: molecular marker development, population genetics, phenotypic comparison using common gardens
- Rewicz, Tomasz. Out of the Black Sea: Phylogeography of the invasive killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus across Europe
- Vimercati, Giovanni. Never underestimate your opponent: adaptive phenotypic response in a recent invader
- Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia. Epigenetic mechanisms and the success of invasive vertebrates
- Burkhardt-Holm, Patricia. Genetic evidence for the translocation of invasive bighead goby along rivers by commercial vessels
- Aleksanyan, Alla. Colonization routes and genetic structure of common ragweed populations invading South-eastern Europe
- Bras, Audrey. Tracing the invasion pathways of the highly invasive box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis, in Europe : a phylogeographic approach.
- Buga, Sergej. Brachycaudus divaricatae Shap. (Sternorrhyncha, Aphididae) in Belarus: genetic divergence from Armenian aboriginal forms
- Eckert, Silvia. Does experimental manipulation of epigenetic variance in DNA methylation affect local adaptation? – A reciprocal transplant experiment comparing native and non-native ruderal plant species
- Ernst, Dieter. Characterization of a novel allergen from ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), enolase Amb a 12, with high homology to Hev b 9 from rubber tree
- Ernst, Dieter. Pollen of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): Illumina-based de novo sequencing and differential transcript expression upon elevated NO2/O3
- Groom, Quentin John. Oxalis corniculata: around the world and back again
- Hejda, Martin. Impacts of the invasive tree Robinia pseudacacia across trophic levels: small effects on species richness, but great differences in functional species traits
- Herden, Jasmin. The role of epigenetic inheritance in rapid evolutionary adaptation of two invasive Solidago species
- Hock, Maria. Evidence of local adaptation to high UVB levels in the invaded range? A multi-species approach with native and exotic origins of introduced species in New Zealand
- Hufbauer, Ruth A. Rapid adaptation speeds spread and increases densities in experimental invasions
- Kühn, Ingolf. What makes invasive Ageratina adenophora successful in Western Himalaya: Contemporary evolution or phenotypic plasticity?
- Molofsky, Jane. Genome size and invasiveness traits in the hybrid meadow knapweed complex (Centaurea x moncktonii) in eastern North America
- Onen, Huseyin. Tropical Guests in Semi-Arid Regions of Turkey: Local Adaptations or Evolutionary Changes?
- Pagitz, Konrad. Solidago x niederederi (S. canadensis x S. virgaurea ssp. virgaurea) in the Eastern Alps
- Porté, Annabel J. Phenotypic differentiation of native and introduced populations of Quercus rubra L.
- Rewicz, Tomasz. Postglacial colonizer or cryptic invader? Case of Gammarus roeselii (Crustacea Amphipoda) in Europe
Invader traits and characteristics of invaded communities
Oral presentations
- Allen, William. How life history influences invasiveness across terrestrial vertebrate classes
- Gioria, Margherita. Germination strategies and plant invasions: current knowledge, gaps and challenges
- Hulme, Philip Eric. Linking divergence and dissimilarity in native and alien species traits to address invasions of plant communities
- Kühn, Ingolf. Mycorrhizal status interacting with morphological traits help explaining invasion success of alien plant species
- Levin, Samuel Conner. Phylogenetic novelty alters the strength of biotic interactions for native and exotic plant species
- Linzmaier, Stefan Markus. Mechanisms of exploitation and interference competition in a novel invader – the marbled crayfish
- Molofsky, Jane. Functional trait differences between native and invasive species across six habitats in the Czech Republic
- Osborne, Bruce. Early Growth and Development as a Key Defining Feature of Plant Invasions
- Pyšek, Petr. One ring rules them all: genome size as a driver of invasiveness in plants
- Steyn, Christien. A biogeographical and functional approach to improve our understanding of alien plant species on Sub-Antarctic Islands
- Anastácio, Pedro. Life history of the invasive Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in the Tagus estuary (Portugal).
- de la Rosa Padilla, Alberto. Plant invasions in The Macizo de Anaga Biosphere Reserve, Canary Island: who and how is a relict ecosystem invaded?
- Dzierzynska-Bialonczyk, Anna. Changes in valve movement behaviour of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha associated with the impact of biotic environmental factors.
- Feniova, Irina Yurievna. Experimental effects of multiple regulating factors on cladoceran species richness and community structure
- Florianová, Anna. Effect of cultivating conditions on plant-soil feedbacks of alien Impatiens species
- Gangur, Alex. Untangling the complexity behind invasion success with an individual-based model
- Hall, Rea Maria. Germination and seed viability of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) influenced by seed dimensions, origin and age
- Heger, Tina. Does past competition affect invasiveness? Genetic differentiation and maternal effects in response to competition in an annual grassland species in its native and invaded range
- Jermacz, Lukasz. Density of prey as a factor modifying the anti-predator behaviour of amphipods
- Karrer, Gerhard. Estimation of seed longevity in artificial soil seed banks of common ragweed
- Knobová, Pavlína. Intraspecific plant-soil feedback as an explanation of plant invasiveness
- Kobak, Jaroslaw. Interspecific competition as a factor modifying the spreading rate of invasive Ponto-Caspian gammarideans
- Mack, Richard. Biotic barriers to naturalization: a weak force or simply not adequately detected?
- Malecore, Eva Maria. Does phylogenetic distance between invasive and native plants matter?
- Martín Osorio, Victoria Eugenia. Epiphytes invasive species on the Canarian palm tree (Phoenix canariensis H. Wildpret) in the Canary Islands and Andalusia. Spain.
- Mathakutha, Rabia. Can functional traits be used to predict plant invasion potential on a Sub-Antarctic Island?
- Medvecká, Jana. Archaeophytes vs. neophytes: which are more successful invaders in high mountain?
- Medvecká, Jana. Do various types of forests differ in alien species composition?
- Monty, Arnaud. Effects of seed traits variation on seedling performance of the invasive weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
- Moravcová, Lenka. Do invasive and non-invasive plant species differ in how long their seed persist in the soil seed bank?
- Ortmans, William. First come first served: priority effect benefits Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. more than other ruderal Asteraceae species
- Poznanska, Malgorzata. Zebra mussel beds: a perfect shelter for prey or perfect feeding ground for Ponto-Caspian gobies
- Reichard, Martin. Coevolutionary relationship drives population-specific responses to an invasive species
- Robeck, Philipp. Climate mismatch in plant invasions contributes to the existence and length of lag phases
- Ruland, Florian. Behavioural changes in biological invasions: taxonomic differences and underlying mechanisms
- Tewes, Lisa Johanna. High variation in chemical defence and other traits as trigger in plant invasion of Bunias orientalis?
- Thompson, Amibeth. Breeding system, plant-pollinator networks and pollen limitation of exotic plant species
- Wagner, Viktoria. Divergent levels of invasion across European woodlands
Invasive species and changes in landuse
Oral presentations
- Jones, Chad C. Patterns of plant invasions over 60 years in a developing forest
- Montero-Castaño, Ana. Influential factors across an invasion process: the invasion of the Scotch broom in Nahuel Huapi National Park (Argentina)
- Ceplová, Natálie. Urban ornamental trees: a source of recent invaders? A case study from European city
- Cuda, Jan. Of factors affecting the abundance of Impatiens glandulifera and its spread from river corridors
- Gudžinskas, Zigmantas. Dependence of alien plant species abundance in grassland habitats on the intensity of land-use
- Pyšková, Klára. Monitoring the long-term persistence of a golden jackal (Canis aureus) in a colonized habitat in the Czech Republic: initial phase of the establishment live?
- Traian, Manole. First record of the species Pantomorus cervinus Boheman, 1840 (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) on the invasive alien species Verbascum thapsus L. in Hawaii – Big Island, USA
- Traian, Manole. Harmonia axyridis Pallas 1773 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) a review of its biology, ecology and risk assessment on intraguild predations in Romania
- Vicente, Joana Raquel. Using spatially explicit dynamic modelling to predict future invasion dynamics
- Vinogradova, Yulia. Flora of Moscow railways
- Zajac, Maria. Dynamics of selected invasive species in the Polish Carpathians and their Foreland
- Zajac, Maria. Current and potential distribution of Solidago ×niederederi (Asteraceae) in Poland
Non-native pests and pathogens
Oral presentations
- Roy, Helen E. Exploring the barriers to predicting alien pathogen invasions
- Schindler, Stefan. Alien species of human health concern: Evidence syntheses for impacts and management effectiveness
- Buga, Sergey. Alien species of Sternorrhyncha (Insecta, Hemipteroidea) as non-native pests of ornamental plants in Belarus
- Melika, George. Native Parasitoid Assemblages of an invasive pest, Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), in Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary
- Mrugala, Agata. The crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci: pathways, vectors and potential consequences of its spread in the introduced ranges
- Sarles, Landry. Identification of walnut husk (Juglans regia) volatiles and behavioral response of the invasive Walnut Husk Fly, Rhagoletis completa
- Serteyn, Laurent. Investigation on dispersion and feeding behaviour of non-native stink bug pests, related to interactions with their environment.
- Sinchuk, Aleh Viktorovich. Invasive species insects on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L., 1753) in Belarus
- Tomov, Rumen. Alien insects detected in Bulgaria during the period 2011-2015
- Uludag, Ahmet. Distribution of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in ESENIAS area
Restoration of invaded ecosystems
Oral presentations
- Fill, Jennifer Marie. Challenges to invasive alien plant control and ecosystem restoration in the Cape fynbos, South Africa
- Jäger, Heinke. Restoration of a blackberry-invaded unique forest in Galápagos: impacts on the vegetation, birds and invertebrates
- Crandall, Raelene. Fire differentially affects fitness and population growth of an invasive shrub compared to coexisting native species
- Heger, Tina. Biotic resistance to invasive alien plants: Using a multi-trait approach to design resistant communities
Socioeconomic impacts of biological invasions
Oral presentation
- Ireland, Kylie B. Plant pest impacts: A common set of metrics
- Born-Schmidt, Georgia. Cost-benefit and cost-effective analysis of managing invasive species in Mexico