→ Download the Book of Abstracts [PDF 4,5 MB]
A hard copy of the Book of Abstracts will be given to all participants at the Neobiota 2016 Conference.
We do not plan to publish Neobiota 2016 Conference Proceedings. If you want to publish your oral or poster presentation as a regular paper, you are kindly invited to submit for publication in NeoBiota, an ISI-listed peer-reviewed open access journal.
→ Homepage of the journal NeoBiota at pensoft.net
NeoBiota publishes a peer-reviewed, open-access, rapid online journal launched to accelerate research on all types of alien species and biological invasions: aquatic and terrestrial, animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.
The journal NeoBiota is a continuation of the former NEOBIOTA publication series; for volumes 1-8 see the page about the Conference Proceedings (2000-2008) at www.neobiota.eu.